Friday, January 31, 2025

why this 'new year's start' is better

The Weather

On this 3rd day of the rebooted 2025, I've had a high in the mid-70's, with the night going to the low 50's.
The highs will remain in the mid-60's to mid-70's well into next week.
How had it been for the original start of 2025?
That had also been on a Wednesday, just as this was.
The lows were in the 30's each night, as the days would struggle to warm into the low to upper 50's.
That first Friday reached the upper 50's before crashing into freezing.

Evening Events

On this 3rd day of the rebooted 2025, I've been out to the AMC-11 for a foreign film for the second time this week.
The first was on the Chinese New Year for an actual film about San Francisco's Chinatown- such fun!
That was followed by lunch - and dinner! - courtesy of Applebee's and AARP.

Today, I was there again, this time for an Irani film set in Tehran: "The Seed Of The Sacred Fig".
No one would ever call that one 'fun', as it was a family drama involving the missing gun of the government-employed father.
I knew which female in the family had stolen it early on, but the story was well crafted.
That, also, was followed by lunch - and dinner! - courtesy of Texas Roadhouse and Melaness.
They gifted me the Tater Skins for belonging to their loyalty club, a gift I'll also enjoy for several coming breakfasts.
Melanie's Christmas gift supplied another $10 toward my grilled shrimp meal, half eaten there, half here at home.

Next up was the Smiths & Kamerons Friday Fiesta, si?
While that's what I had done that first 2025 Friday, that's not the way it played out on this 'first' Friday.
After the COVID-19 pandemic forced it into being gone from Savannah since 2021, One Hundred Miles has returned!
Tonight was the grand opening of its new office on Bull Street, just north of the public library.
Excellent location!
The place was packed, but when I met Megan and Beth and Cate, each one already knew my name!
I very much appreciated that!
I did step out for a while, as the space was very loud with so many folks talking.
When I did, I stopped to admire this graffiti on the back wall and was joined by Gabriel, who is a blues pianist who lives in Darien, where OHM also has a new office.
He asked what I thought it was and I pointed out the base of the flower stem and that it was "Unplugged".
That was a nice pun for the musician!
We both wondered why it was left unsigned, but I postulated that perhaps the piece was not yet completed.
Gabriel thought that might be true.
Perhaps we shall meet again some time.

Home Movie Night

On that first Friday of 2025, I'd watched a rented, Christmas-themed, movie for a second viewing.
On this 'first' Friday of rebooted 2025, I saw a movie that was 'new to me' that I recorded when it showed up on Bounce two days ago.
I liked the premise of a young fan of kung fu movies getting transported back in time to ancient China to return the Monkey King's staff.

Altogether, "The Forbidden Kingdom" had a foursome of misfits on that quest: a failed monk (Jet Li), an old drunk (Jackie Chan), a lost traveler ('Jason'), and an orphan girl.
A foursome?
Like in "The Wizard Of Oz"?
Misfits, like in "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer"?
Of course I was captivated by this 2008 time travel adventure!
Plus, with its setting in China, it was a perfect way to continue the new year celebration.
I hope to see this Chinese fantasy wuxia again someday!

Yes, I am so glad I choose to reboot 2025!
Now, I'll need to find more ways to celebrate for the twelve remaining days.
That's right, the Chinese New Year has 15 days of celebration, culminating in the Lantern Festival.
Hmmm... I wonder who will have that event?

Thursday, January 30, 2025

colorful as a Chinese parade!

Not that it was, of course.

That regal lion is Asland, King of Narnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, as well as the Unicorn and other enchanted talking creatures that inhabit his kingdom.

Sadly, it is a place where it is "always winter and never Christmas".

That phrase was oft-repeated in "The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe".

I'm sure it held an additional meaning for this cast, crew, and staff.

The first play for Savannah Children's Theatre had met with winter-caused disaster at their home space, causing the cancellation of their first weekend's run.

As they tell it, the White Witch was to blame for the snow that shut down Savannah...
for the heavy, white, mass that taxed the strength of their aged roof...
for the subsequent slow melt that sought out every tiny leak of that roof...
and for the closing of the structure as unsafe by the city.

My thanks for their perseverance in seeking a new place for the performances.

My thanks to the Savannah JEA for opening its doors to the troupe.

My thanks to the hard-working thespians for their three months of rehearsals that resulted in a spotless performance in the new space.

With no wings on the stage for the large props, the floor space had to converted into areas of hidden pieces waiting for their time in the spotlight.

I wasn't very familiar with the story before, but I am now.

Again, my kudos to the cast, crew, and staff!

ding, dong! signify calling!

For the second time in a week, I've had a medical visit at home.
Nothing is wrong, I'm just stating facts.
The first was last Friday and was a phone appointment cum video appointment cum in-person appointment with my VA PCP, Susan Barker.
We were both trapped at home, due to Enzo, so that forced the first change.
Then, her secure video link failed the morning of our visit, forcing the second change.
That worked out just fine, though, as we both still got to chat with each other, as we usually do at my 6-month checkups.
My numbers were all good.
Cholesterol is steady at 160mg/dL, as it's been the last decade or so, but with a perk: the HDL is up to 54 mg/dL, showing my exercise routine is definitely working.
Triglycerides are at 69 mg/dL, so they're holding steady, too.
B12 is 460 pg/mL, which is about the middle of that range (and something I'm more aware of these days for brain and nervous system health, thanks to AARP quizzes).
TSH is at 0.8292 uIU/mL, making that the best I've had in decades!
The Free T-4 is 1.20 ng/dL, which also indicates no change needed for my Synthroid dose.
That's because the TSH is at low-nornal and the Free T-4 is mid-normal.
Hey', I'm just glad all is working as it should.
So, that brings me to the in-person, at-home visit today with Nurse Marilyn.
Did I say "at-home"?
I did, and this is the third year that I've had these visits.
They're all courtesy of my Medicare Advantage plan with UHC. 
She was here for about 45 minutes, checking on my medications, on my mental state, and on my vitals - blood pressure (116/74 - wow!), heart rate (steady 68 - hooray!), and weight (yeah, like I'd post that - lol!).
That last one prompted her to check my blood sugar.
No one wants to believe I'm this weight and not diabetic.
It doesn't matter if I tell them I'm borderline hypoglycemic, they think 'hyperglycemic'.
So she stuck my finger and performed a Hemoglobin A1c check right then.
That test checks the 3-month average blood sugar level, so it doesn't matter when, or what, a person last ate.
Joke was on her!
Mine was 5.3, which is well below the 6.4 threshold for diabetes.
Whoop whoop!
She was the first one to ever check that.
She was also the first one to check my feet for circulation (by gently sticking a plastic 'needle' against my bare feet to see if I felt it - ticklish!).
Plus, she was the first to have me draw an analog clock face with a time of 11:15 (which led to me sharing the story about 'ten and two').
She also did a mini-cognition test, telling me three words, then, about ten minutes later after we'd been talking about all kinds of things, asked me what those words had been.
I didn't even have to struggle to tell her all three... and in the order she told them, too.
This was definitely a different visit than the other two had been.
Here's another difference: for having it so early in the year, I'm getting $50 on my UHC card.
Usually I get $15.
I'll have to make sure I opt for an early visit next year, too!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

happy year of the snake!!!

What better way to start this -new- new year than with a Chinese film?
AMC was happy to oblige and even let me use my A*List to reserve this dance!
"Detective Chinatown 1900" had subtitles in much of it, as it dealt with folks of Chinese as well as Pueblo peoples with beliefs in Kachina.
I had not realized that this was a special episode of the "Detective Chinatown" franchise, timed for release at the start of the Spring Festival... that is, for the first day of the 15-day celebration of Chinese New Year.
I'm so glad that Carolyn was there to share this!
The movie combined history, mystery, comedy, and a little romance into a fabulous buddy movie.
Even though it's the fourth in the series, it serves as the starting point for the teamwork between Qui Fu (a student of Sherlock Holmes) and Ah Gui (an orphaned Chinese raised by the local Native American tribe). 
As for this delectable bit of crunchy, crispy, tastiness, that's Chicken Wonton Tacos, a dish I've been anticipating ever since Monday, when I got the ticket for this movie.
Thank you, Applebee's, and thanks AARP for the $10 gift card!
Such a lovely lunch that was!
Then I noticed this on the way home: the American flag is again flying at full mast.
That means the mourning period for President Jimmy Carter has come to an end after 30 days.
That's yet another good reason for today to begin a new year for me, as I am a HopeBuilder for Habitat For Humanity.
Onward to home!
I carried with me an order of Boneless Wings, with Asian Chili Lime sauce, bought half-price at Applebee's.
Those were cut up and served as the meat source for my dinner!
Ah, yes, so delicious combined with broccoli!
Yes, and even more so eaten with chopsticks!
I ate every lovely, scrumptious, bite.
Now, Bounce is treating me to a Denzel Washington movie that I love, a movie which is so very appropriate as I restart 2025 today.
Which movie would that be?
"Deja Vu".

starting the new year fresh out of hell

You heard correctly.
After days of cabin fever, my addled brain came up with this as the best solution: cut that lost week mired in Hell out of my life by starting fresh right here.
After all, this is where I first came all those years ago, choosing this area along the shore of the ever-rolling waves of ether.
It is only logical that I return here.
My departure from this beach had been rather abrupt, fueled by big changes in my social life.
One of my favorite venues was due to be destroyed, leaving several cultural entities with the need to find new places to perform or disband.
Of course, we all hoped for the best outcomes... but wishing and hoping won't necessarily bring that about.
That's not a bad thing, though.
Other troupes have sprung up, bringing their talents to various stages all around, enlivening my life as a retiree.
Change has silver linings, as I've learned well.
Now, I find myself in need of a new change.
This year deserves a new beginning, and this is where that shall be.
A friend from those early days has reminded me that the Chinese New Year follows the new moon in that lunisolar calendar.
So, I shall look forward to the Year of the Snake, also beginning on this very day.
The Chinese also refer to this as the Year of the Little Dragon.
Little dragon... very nice!
I do so love Dragons.

The photo is of my memento from a vacation in Taipei, Taiwan, in 1981.
Gorgeous little beast!
Happy New Year, one and all... I'm back!