That's the movie I had hoped to see today.
When I hopped into my car, the battery went: uh uh, uh, uh uh, uh.
Fortunately, when I called Smitty, he was in the area and rode to my rescue!
Fortunately, I had the jumper cables, too, as he did not.
He must have left them in his other vehicle... LOL!
My brother even followed me down to what was once Western Auto Parts.
Yes, you can tell a Savannah native from a transplant by the references to businesses that are long gone, but still remembered.
It's now Advance Auto Parts and the young man there tried to steer me to another store that had the same batteries at lower prices, but I demurred.
The price differential at this store included their removal of the old battery and the installation of the new one, with no separate labor fee.
Definitely worth the lesser degree of hassle!
Thanks, Myron, for your help and your efficiency.
On my way again, about $150 poorer than planned for this day, I did so with no music.
That loss of battery power for that brief time of exchange between old and new had wiped out all my radio presets, as well as the clock.
I remembered two of them - WRHQ and I-95 - but the rest shall be found another day.
A check of my phone for time let me know that I'd missed not only the intended movie, but also the backup plan movie.
I took the long way to the Publix on Largo, wanting to give the new battery plenty of time to fully charge.
I had a specific goal in mind at that store: paczki.
Tomorrow is Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, whatever one wants to call it, and that is the day to eat those fancy Polish doughnuts.
I was sure this Publix would have them!
The clerk in the bakery called the store at Twelve Oaks, and they did have some.
Meanwhile, I spotted some smaller, raspberry-filled treats.
Maybe they would serve as mini-paczki?
I checked when I arrived home and verified that they would.
Although the weather was fairly nice today, I didn't want to spend the day bouncing from one grocery store to another.
I had an unexpected visit with the bfe while I was at the Largo store and that had delayed me from returning home.
Why the rush?
I'd planned to have popcorn for lunch with my movie.
The battery adventure had taken more than two hours, meaning it was nearer to dinner time now than to lunch, and I was quite hungry.
Fortunately, I'd spotted Chicken Tikka Masala in the grab-and-go area in the deli while I was chatting with the physicist.
That was very satisfying for my late slunch!
The Indian dish also reminded me of Barbara, as she was always a big fan of that cuisine.
Sandy texted me that a couple from New Jersey bought it, furniture, decor, and all.
That's good; Barbara had spent a lot of time, and money, in the last few years on the new living room couches and her new bed.
I'm glad her efforts, and her taste, will be appreciated by the new owners.