Thursday, July 2, 2009

final outcome

The Southern Cross Novel Challenge 2009 has ended, as of midnight on Tuesday. I had a banner day on Monday, writing more than 6000 words that day... and burning myself out on these characters. You know those movies where there are no heroes, where all the characters are so morally flawed that there is no one to root for? Movies like "Closer" - well acted, lots of name-brand stars, but the characters are just so very wrong in so many ways. You see it once, and you're done with it.
Well, that's pretty much how I felt after my writing splurge on Monday: I was done with these people. All they were concerned with was sex, sex, sex. Not that they were screwing willy-nilly, any ol' body will do. No, they weren't that casual. But they did seem to want to flaunt their sexual prowess and positions and sensations... and it got to seeming a bit overwrought. Poor things, the coming was all they had going for them!
Still, I am proud of myself for giving it a shot and for the amount of progress I made. I ended up 46 of 167, with 17,000 words. Good job! There were about 20 entrants who completed the challenge successfully and got their gold stars. Cool, gold stars! Amazingly, though, there were more than forty entrants who never posted a single word to their count. Not one word. Zero. I have to wonder what happened to them? Did they forget? Did they just give up from the get-go? Maybe my next writing endeavor should explore that little mystery... maybe!


HouseT said...

I meant to start NaNo for two straight years before I finally A) remembered to start on time and B) did anything significant with it. I'd wager those people probably fall into that category.

Congratulations on making the effort you did, though! You really gave it the big push, didn't you? Mind you, you can't stand the characters now, but that can be part of the process. You may find that when you go back to some of your work after a while, you'll find a scene or plot or character or two that might fit something else.

But for now, bask in the fact that you did as much as you did. I still have months of handwringing left before I have to worry about a repeat win in NaNoWriMo. And oh, the wringing I'll do...

faustina said...

Hey, I may be right there, wringing my hands as well. I'm actually considering NaNoWriMo. Considering, I said. We'll see as it gets a little closer!