Thursday, January 30, 2025

colorful as a Chinese parade!

Not that it was, of course.

That regal lion is Asland, King of Narnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, as well as the Unicorn and other enchanted talking creatures that inhabit his kingdom.

Sadly, it is a place where it is "always winter and never Christmas".

That phrase was oft-repeated in "The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe".

I'm sure it held an additional meaning for this cast, crew, and staff.

The first play for Savannah Children's Theatre had met with winter-caused disaster at their home space, causing the cancellation of their first weekend's run.

As they tell it, the White Witch was to blame for the snow that shut down Savannah...
for the heavy, white, mass that taxed the strength of their aged roof...
for the subsequent slow melt that sought out every tiny leak of that roof...
and for the closing of the structure as unsafe by the city.

My thanks for their perseverance in seeking a new place for the performances.

My thanks to the Savannah JEA for opening its doors to the troupe.

My thanks to the hard-working thespians for their three months of rehearsals that resulted in a spotless performance in the new space.

With no wings on the stage for the large props, the floor space had to converted into areas of hidden pieces waiting for their time in the spotlight.

I wasn't very familiar with the story before, but I am now.

Again, my kudos to the cast, crew, and staff!

1 comment:

faustina said...

story about damage at SavChTh space on Victory Drive: