Thursday, February 18, 2010


You know, one of the downsides to being single is there's no one else to get things done but yourself. Ran out of milk? Well, then, you should have gone to the store on your way home.
No more clean underwear? Hey, you saw the laundry piling up! You ain't blind!
Can't find a clean cup? Hmm, maid service 'round here is the pits.
Dust bunnies running to meet you when you come home? Well, you were talking about getting a pet, right?
Honestly, it really gets to me every once in a while, and this is definitely one of those times. It seems I just get done with washing dishes and the task has to be done again. A dishwasher would have to be ultra-powerful to get off the bits and pieces left behind for a week or more.
I've needed to go to the store since Sunday, but I haven't made it there just yet. One thing after another seems to get in the way and I'll say, "oh, I'll just shop on the way home." Never happens. Once I'm on autopilot heading home, I don't even think "Oh, milk!" until I'm pulling up in the driveway. So, I nurse the little I do have, stretching it for one more day, one more cup of coffee, for one MORE day. Aaarrggghhhhh!
And I have no one but myself to blame. Absolutely no one. Oh, poor me. Poor, poor me.
Then I think of my friends who are raising children. Then I think of those who are raising children by themselves, working every day, still needing to take care of all these little mundane tasks that are part and parcel of civilized life. I have it so easy, in so many ways! Hats off to YOU, dear friends, and kudos for all your efforts. Truly. I honestly don't know how you do it. Well, actually, my best friend once replied to that line with "someone had to do it and I was the only one who could. So I did."
Now, if you don't mind, I have dishes to wash and laundry to sort...

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