Saturday, May 1, 2010

May day

Dear Daddy,
What a glorious day this has been! True, I did sleep through much of the morning hours, but that left me refreshed for the day's activities. Yes, I did have hotdogs for breakfast, but they were 98% fat-free, giving me lots of protein. A much better breakfast than I would have had out and about, I'm sure, where butter and cheese lurk around the edges of 'most everything.
My backyard neighbor was cutting my grass as I was having my coffee. I felt a bit guilty about that. I had fully intended to get up early and try to work on my lawnmower, maybe see if that blade I was given was even the right size. Yeah, I know: I should have already done that by now, but I can ALWAYS find a reason not to.
Anyway, I went out to thank him, yet again, for making my backyard beautiful, yet again. He told me he liked doing the work and actually tried to do it when he knew I was gone because he didn't want me to feel like I was obligated to try to do something nice in return. Well, I asked if it were okay if I treated him and his family to dinner and he grudgingly said okay. I gave him one of the Bonefish Grill gift cards and a little money, but I had tucked the money in the card holder so neither of us had to actually look at the amount. I do hope he and his wife and daughter will have a lovely evening out. They have been so very gracious to me, especially since your death. He lost his dad last year, too, so please let his dad know he has a good kid on this planet.
So, I have breakfast and get busy with my eBay work on this lovely first day of May. I just cannot tell you how very glad I am that a new month has begun! Then again, you already know how hard April was and how very glad I am to be shed of it. Between your birthday the first week and your death the last week, there was so much heartache in between. I sure miss you.
Anywho, I finally got caught up with my computer works and decided that a movie was just what I needed. So, I go looking for movies and realize that I'm looking for times for "Oceans", the new Earth Day release. Not in a single cinema in Savannah. Not one. All these multiplexes and NOT ONE had the film!!! But the little cinema in Bluffton did! So, I called your wife to see if she might like to meet me there, as we have done from time to time, and lo and behold! She said YES! Out the doors we both flew! The cinema is about an hour away and the start time of the film was scheduled for an hour's time, giving us barely enough wiggle room. And, amazingly, we both made it in good time, even getting popcorn and cokes and finding seats before the lights went down. The film was WONDERFUL and she told me she could always count on me to pick a movie that she would like...and I do try to do so, because I truly enjoy her company and we have such a good time on our outings.
I know that technically she's my stepmom, but she would be the first to say we are friends more so than relatives. I fully agree. Friends are the family YOU pick, not the ones thrust upon you by genetics, and we two ARE friends. We've helped each other get through this past year, this first year without you physically in our lives. It's been tough at times, but knowing we were in it together always helped.
You know, she insisted on treating me to dinner, calling it my birthday dinner. talk about being the first to wish me birthday greetings!!! Still, she's right, we won't see each other then. My singing bird is doing up my birthday this year, taking me to Myrtle Beach for Dixie Stampede and the aquarium and waking up to ocean sounds. He's Plum good to his Peach, ain't he?
So my stepmom, my friend, takes me to dinner and we have a very nice Italian meal, with lots of excellent bread and flavor. Oh, and this mayonnaise with chipotle peppers that was - mmmuummff!! - que bella! We both ended up with a meal for later.. maybe later tonight! - and full tummies, and maybe just a wee spot left for a sweet something or other. And wasn't that a cookie shop around the corner?? Sure enough! We split a Millionaire cookie, full of chocolate and caramel and I don't remember what all made up its yumminess. Very nice!
After, we went our separate ways,
she back to her new home, me to a games night with friends.
I enjoyed the drive home, the color of the blue sky and the new green of the trees
and the warmth of the sun through the slight cool of the breeze.
And I thought to myself how very fortunate I am
to have her in my life
to have my singing bird in my life
to have new friends in my life.
I am so blessed that my mayday was heard
and I was given this May Day.
Yeah, I know, I just can't help myself sometimes. I didn't mean to go into a rhyme scheme, but, there ya go.
With my love always,
your one-and-only, ever-lovin' daughter

1 comment:

faustina said...

I miss the West family.
The folks who bought their house put up one of those horrid popsicle-stick fences almost immediately.
Here's the thing, though.
They trapped the trunks of the redbud trees planted by the Ansley family between the wire fence in my back yard and their new fence.
You know what that means, right?
There's no way to cut back those trees.
They're now so big that their shade killed the lantana and the morning glories that had been flourishing back there.
Oh, well.
My guess is those redbud trunks will eventually grow large enough to push over their fence.

Silly people.