Thursday, June 30, 2011

midnight in Paris

Tonight, I drove out to a new cinema to see a movie. I didn't know much about the film, and this is the only cinema showing it. Mostly, though, I was escaping my hot house, in hopes that night air would cool it enough that I could sleep. The air conditioner was on the fritz and help would be coming the next day, but not tonight. So, partly to cool off, partly to see the movie before it left town, I left town to catch it.
"Midnight in Paris" is a movie about appreciating the time in which you live. In other words, ejoying the present, not mourning the past or yearning for the future. Time only moves forward, one fraction of a second at a time, and no amount of human pining will alter that pace or direction. To have regrets of time lost in the distant or near past simply robs an appreciation of the time at hand. To wish for a time not yet come to pass in the near or distant future is to miss the richness of the time all around.
What a fine message for this last day of the first half of 2011! This was a fine message for me, indeed, given the many changes brought about in this short thirty-day span of time.
For now, it's a hot house, with anticipation of a cooler night to come.

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