Yes, it is! I've been cleaning house for several years now, with the help of eBay and craigslist. I've discovered there are plenty of folks worldwide willing to take possession of things I no longer want or need. Some things get snapped up the first time proffered. Others languish for a few months, dropping off the list only to be reposted again and again.
Why the disparity? Why doesn't everything put forth get readily grabbed up by another? Well, it's all a matter of timing. I post an item I no longer need. Someone looks for an item they want. The trick is having the two events coincide. And that, dear, is QUITE the trick.
In many regards, selling online is akin to fishing. You drop your line in the deep blue, trolling a tasty-looking morsel through the cool water, and you wait. Elsewhere in the sunlit sea, a fish rides the currents in search of a seafood dinner. If you are patient, the fish might eventually swim nigh and spot your offering. If you are patient, YOU are awarded the seafood dinner. Yum!
So, I try to be patient. Some items I post try this patience mightily, making me despair that I will not find a new home for them. Then... surprise! Someone in Oregon or the Netherlands or even Australia has eagerly accepted them! That, to me, is part of the fun - being able to travel vicariously to other parts of this lovely Earth. Very nice.
A fb memory from July 23, 2011!
Me: It's nightfall in the summer at JinHi Soucy Rand's camp Muse Arts Warehouse. All are gathered at the bonfire to hear Lovecraft'd ghost stories woven from thin air... tonight, for the second - and final - time. A unique experience NEVER to be found anywhere else on this blue-green orb!
There were 2 replies.
JinHi Soucy Rand
thank you again, Tina, for your beautiful spirit and a your incredible generous support throughout.
13 years ago
Faustina Smith
Thank YOU for providing a lighthouse through which so many young artists can shine their lights!
13 years ago
And this fb post of mine was from earlier in the day, when I was trying to tempt others to come and partake of the show!
Me: Wow! What a unique show! If you ever wondered what the fuss was about the horror/science fiction author H.P. Lovecraft, NOW is the time and THS is the venue! See the work that inspired Stephen King in his writings. Truly!
This is the show that Chris Soucy had put together there...
and that I had helped fund, with Mama's money.
Good times!
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