Wednesday, January 2, 2013

rainy night, with lights

It was a rainy night. The little ship had been tossed about on the rough waves for what seemed like hours. No relief was in sight, no friendly beacon to guide its way, no soft welcoming beach to cushion its landfall.
The little rednosed reindeer realized something was amiss. It could sense that lost folks were wandering in the sad downpour, in need of a warm welcome. The deer leapt on top of the roof of the stable, hoping the little red light would be bright enough to lead the weary travelers to a safe harbor.
But the dinosaurs were roaming the soggy ground that night, in search of those scurrying for shelter not yet found. The ever-hungry beasts were not concerned about the source of their snacks. By land, by sea, by air - not a care, as long as it was edible and slower than they. RAWR!
At last, the desperate captain's plea for help was heeded by those on land. Folks gathered in their vehicles, lights blazing, sound waves preceding their rush toward the towering carnivores. Taken aback, the beasts returned to the dark glens of their natural lairs, returning peace and safety to the shore.
The people sent out their lollipop vessel to help guide the lost ship to the harbor. The plethora of circular lights, mounted well above the vessel's deck, were easily seen, casting its beacons in all directions and even a path to the shore, much as the light of a full moon will lay a silver carpet on a tousled sea to guide the way to safety.
The swath of light led straight to the harbor, highlighting the buoys marking the channel. The bright lights of the pier gave the weary crew a goal to which to steer their ship, aiming for the starboard side of the channel markers. The calmer waters of the harbor gave ease to the rocking of the ship, gave ease to the tossing of the spirits of the crew, gave hope to the passengers flocking to the rails.
The open arms of those ashore gave warmth to the bodies of those who had been wandering the sea in the rain. But those loving arms also provided respite from the worries and concerns of those who had been lost in the darkness. Home!

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