Sunday, January 6, 2013

sick, sick, sick?

Yesterday, i slept in. Ever since Thursday evening, I haven't felt my usual self.
I didn't even bother going out to the school on Friday, preferring to stay in at my place. In fact, on Friday, I stayed in the house all day and all afternoon and would have all evening as well. But my solitude was broken when the peace guy came around suggesting Mexican fare. So we went for chips and salsa and spicy food, his treat! Then I went home and stayed in the rest of the evening.
I was in bed shortly after midnight that night. I woke twice, to go pee, returning to my warm bed each time and promptly passing back out, regardless of the daylight filtering into my private undersea haunt. I finally forced myself to get out of bed! But, truly, it was only because it was one in the afternoon and I thought I should. I had a 4 PM gathering of friends to see "Parental Guidance" and thought it might be nice to rouse myself a bit before then, maybe have a little food. And so I made some chicken and pasta soup, and that helped.
And I went out to the cinema with four of my g*friends, and that was good.
And I enjoyed the movie much more than I had expected I would.
But after it was done, I wanted only to return home.
No games night? No social downtown? No karaoke?
All of those, and more, were going on that evening, and I had been invited for some time and had marked "maybe" on the rsvp ... but I preferred to go home.
I simply was not up to socializing.
Sure, I could blame it on whatever sinus thing I had.
But I knew better.
I just didn't feel like partaking.
Today, I have an art exhibit with the bfe.
Then, at the coffee house cinema, I have a Korean film about art thieves.
We'll see how all of that goes.

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