Monday, December 15, 2008

loss adjustment, pm

Adjusting to life as a soloist after being part of a duet for a third of one's life is a daunting prospect. Especially late at night, when all else are snug in their beds and your only accompaniment are the gurgles of the refridgerator and hum of the computer. I have found a few ways to help make the change a little easier and I'm constantly finding new ways.

The first helpful thing was a suitcase, amazingly enough. The reason the suticase even came into play is my need to travel. Sometimes I desperately need to escape life as I know it, so I drive off and wake up somewhere new. Sometimes it's a town to which I've traveled many times; sometimes, it's a first adventure. Upon returning home from one such trip, I left my suitcase on the other side of the bed and made a discovery the next morning. I HAD SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT. For the first time in weeks. My companion-seeking foot, governed by my subconscious mind, had found the suitcase and lodged against it, content that I was not alone, that all was well in the household. I let the suitcase have the other side of the bed for quite a while, until I found didn't need to distract my foot any more.

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