Saturday, May 2, 2009


I know I should come on back to these fine waters, but my heart just isn't quite in to the whole beach thing just yet. Losing one of my best friends and then losing Daddy a scant week later has just left me curled up inside myself, not really wanting much outside contact. Yes, I have been going to work, going out to the school to teach, taking care of my responsibilities... but that's been IT. One of the perks of living alone: I don't HAVE to be sociable with anyone on my own time. And so I haven't. One of the perks of the internet: I can go to facebook and update my status line, leave comments on my friends' and family members' walls, just touch and go in the space of minutes. They then can rest assured that I'm still alive, still out there, coming back ever so slowly into my own again.
Today I go to Charleston, escape my earthly duties for just a little while. Maybe my new guardian angels will come along for the ride on this beautiful day. That would be swell.

1 comment:

HouseT said...

I can relate to not quite being up to full speed on page adventures (even if I clearly haven't gone through the loss you have recently). And living alone can be its own blessing and curse at times.

Hang in there.