Monday, August 31, 2009

Random Quotes

"Sometimes, the only way to get a good look at yourself is through someone else's eyes. If you're lucky, you'll like what you see."
JD on "Scrubs"

I consider myself very fortunate. I had the very good luck in my late teens to have someone snatch me up short and tell me that I was being hurtful without cause. The guy I had been seeing started avoiding me, so I had gone to one of his friends to find out what was up. That friend of his had the decency to sit me down and explain, in plain English, how callous and self-centered I had been. A wake-up call, but not done with vicious language. The impact of that conversation has had repercussions to this day. Although the damage was done with that relationship, I did resolve to be more mindful of others' feelings, to treat others the way I would like to be treated, to acknowledge that men are not the enemy. So, thank you, Mr. Miller, for that valuable lesson from your friend. I do hope you have many who love you.

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