Thursday, March 18, 2010

random quote

"Those were some storms we had over the last week; power outages, tornado watches, occasional hail. I was awakened in the wee hours one of those nights, and I just sat in the dining room, stared out the window, and listened to jazz. The time signatures matched the offbeat rhythms of the rain." Jeff McDermott, 03-14-2010, in his blog.
I do have to wonder what songs he was listening to that dark and stormy night. How incredible to have been able to have at hand music to watch a storm by! I'll have to try that sometime.
Truth to tell, I don't listen to music all that often at home. Generally, I'm lost in my own thoughts, with the white noise of the computer fan to blot out the rest of the world and its slight traffic chatter. Years ago, I had music on constantly, but I fell out of the habit.
Research has shown it takes only thirty days to create a new habit or to break an old one. I have certainly found that to bear truth. If the habit is to something one ingests, then the physical attraction to the item is done by Day 30. After that length of time, the mental desire for the item may flare up from time to time and, if relapse occurs, the body is right back at ground zero with its physical addiction and must begin anew its month-long battle.
I don't know why I stopped seeking an aural background for my thoughts, but just now, as I was writing, the need for Robbie Robertson's "Testimony" popped up. Hold on while I fetch it...
'Bear witness, I'm wailing like the wind... in my soul, I'm howling at the moon..." Ah, yeah! Words and horns and a tambourine and pounding drums!!! Later!

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