Oh, yeah, THIS sounds like just my cup of tea! A Juxtaposition Blogathon! I don't consider myself a film connoiseur, but I am assuredly an aficionado and, as such, have been known to enjoy a movie or two on many an occasion. In fact, if you add the word "festival" after "film", I am ALL OVER IT. I just can't help myself and I blame Mama for my love of movies. I tell you, if she had the chance to move us to Los Angeles or New York to be closer to filmdom, she would have.
I've not yet had the pleasure of participating in a blogathon, so this will be another NEW experience. Yeah! Who knows, maybe I might host a blogathon on my own someday - doubtful, that - and this will gain me some modicum of knowledge about such an event. Barring that, it's a great opportunity to share my reviews on TWO OR MORE movies with other fans of cinematic offerings. Also, I very much look forward to reading the offerings of others to see what direction THEY will take the topic.
Perspective, as I have said many times, IS everything. I was recently at the opening talk for this year's Common Read. The speaker opened the topic, providing background on the selected book for those who might have not yet read it. She then brought forth on the stage a panel of twelve and allowed each to state which aspect of the book was the most meaningful (and each gave discourse on why they chose that aspect). Then, when all had a turn and the floor was opened to questions, a member of the audience with yet another viewpoint was invited to join the panel onstage. At the end, including the speaker, there were fourteen members of society who had spoken of the very same book. EVERY ONE OF THESE PEOPLE HAD A DIFFERENT MESSAGE THEY HAD GARNERED. Every single person, with their different knowledge bases, their different life experiences, had read the same words and yet focused on a different central idea. I found the discussion to be extremely interesting and an awesome example of how unique the mind of each person truly is.
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