Sunday, November 11, 2012

totally blonde roots

So, yesterday, I picked up my bfe and off we set for Jacksonville. This is his birth month, so I've been trying to find some extra-special events for this fall month.
One such event concerned girls on skates. He had not been to the local rollergirl games, ever, and, somehow, we had missed all the home games this fall. But all was not lost! The girls would be winging their way down to Florida for a double-header! And, it was in November! And, it was on a Saturday that was open for both of us! Yes, folks, we had ourselves a winner!!
So, off we set, even getting a morning start for a change. The weather was good, the traffic was light on this non-holiday weekend, and we should arrive in time for a late lunch, then some walking on the waterfront before the games. Nice!
Well, that was the plan. And the plan was nice. And it was a pretty loose plan, built to allow quite a bit of flexibility. You know, in case we found an interesting museum or toy shop or an open bench to watch boats and folks.
So, there we are, traveling along, making good time. Not paying any attention to the view outside the car windows. Well, no, that's not quite true. We were both admiring the fall colors of the kudzu and the trees, the golds and oranges and reds, set against the ever-green of the pines and the blue, blue sky. All so very nice! Enjoying each other's company, catching up on chatting.
You see where this is leading, right?
We were talking, admiring the view, not paying any attention at all to road signs...
And all of a sudden, SMACK!!! We were on the outskirts of MACON!!!
Say what?!?
In my soon-to-be-patented, trademark style, I had become lost.
No. That's NOT it. I was not lost. I knew EXACTLY where I was, once I saw the exits and road work surrounding Macon. Oh, yes.
The problem was, we had driven better than two hours IN THE WRONG DIRECTION, neither of us noticing the signs for Statesboro or Dublin or any of the other towns along the way. Neither of us having noticed that we had not seen signs for Midway or Darien or Brunswick.
So, now the trick would be to make it to Jacksonville in time for the games. Because, now, we weren't just two and a half hours away. Oh, no. We were about five hours away.
Good thing our plan was so loose!
And we DID manage to make it there in time for the games. We even had about twenty minutes of free time. Woohoo!
And, amazingly, he was fine with that. Absolutely fine. No temper tantrum, no guilt trip laid on me, no animosity of any type.
Amazing, right?
Abd I was treated to a day in his company and he to a day in mine, even though much of the time was sitting in a car, rolling along highways.
And THAT was the whole point of the trip, right? To spend the day together and see some girls on skates?
So the trip was a rousing success, after all.

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