... and away go fluids down the drain. No-ro-virus!
"That almost sounds like it may be an advertising jingle, like Charlie Harper might pen."
Thanks! Actually, it's a riff I made up using the Roto-Rooter song. Only, in this case, the catchy little rhyme is about the malady I was plagued with on Sunday. When I stopped by CVS to pick up more electrolyte fluid, I spoke to the pharmacist. She told me I had norovirus, a nasty little beast that's making the rounds around now. It was first discovered in the USA in 1968, making this its 57th year of wreaking acute gastroenteritis hell.
"Yuck. But what made the pharmacist so sure you had that virus and not food poisoning?"
The fever I had for Sunday and Monday. Food poisoning doesn't give you the shakes and make you feel like you're freezing. I should have used my thermometer to check that out, but I didn't think of it. Just like I should have grabbed the little trash can in the bathroom and thrown up in it instead of on the floor, but I didn't think of it. I didn't think of anything at the time, I just reacted to my body's need to get whatever was inside to the surface and outside as quickly as humanly possible.
"Again, yuck."
Right? I'm just glad I thought to get into the shower and stand there while the process continued. My biggest fear had been running out of hot water while I was stuck there. It really was a horrible experience. I cannot imaging having to go through that for more than one day, but apparently some people do.
"Let's change the focus, shall we? Any idea how you may have gotten it?"
I think it was from the 'Celebration of Life' I went to on Saturday afternoon. There were people there from all over and I don't know who might have prepared the food. Speaking of, there was a mini-tart shell filled with what I thought was finely-diced ham and celery, but that wasn't the case. The filling was a fine mesh of fruits, possibly melons and cantaloupe. I just know that when I popped it into my mouth, it struck me as "wrong". Not "red", mind, so that was a relief. I just know that if Genie hadn't been right there talking to me, I would have spit it out right away. As it was, I did the polite thing: I swallowed it. Now, I wonder if that was the culprit.
"What's the time line for the norovirus?"
12 to 48 hours. So, that early afternoon event would be perfect timing for a 3 AM distress call from my booty.
"I'm glad you can laugh at it now."
Actually, I'm just now getting to where I can laugh again without intense pain. My stomach and entire upper abdominal area have been so sore from all that expulsion of contents that just clearing my throat was enough to cause pain. I'll be glad when all of that is back to its normal state.
"So, will you be going to the Friday Fiesta with your brothers?"
I will not. According to the pharmacist, I am still contagious for several days after I feel better, and may still be able to spread the norovirus for up to two weeks.
"Two weeks??? That's incredible. My guess is the person who gave it to you didn't know that, so that's why they were at the church for that funeral service."
I think you may be right. That's yet another reason why I'm glad I didn't try to attend the service for Harry Jenkins today. I forewent that occasion because I knew I was not healthy enough to drive out to Pooler this morning. But I'd hate to think I might spread this sickness to those I know and love, so I'm glad I stayed home. And I'll be doing that on Friday, too.
"Good for you. Meanwhile, keep drinking those electrolyte fluids. You were clearly dehydrated, as evidenced by your infrequency with urination."
You are correct. Plus, I felt my brain "come on" a few minutes ago, and i know that's because all those little neurons are able to get messages through again, now that there are enough sodium and potassium ions to bridge those axial gaps.
"Okay, I'm convinced you're improving. You're talking chemistry! That's a good sign."
(smile) I agree. Now, I'm going to start another tall glass of Pedialyte Lemon Lime and enjoy a movie. Comcast has given me Starz this week and I just now found out. Yes, that's how slow I've been, mentally. Fortunately, the listing made sure to have "Guardians Of The Galaxy" right at the front, so I'll be starting with that one. i thank You, God.
"Keep drinking those liquids, dear. Keep up the good work on your recovery."
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