Remember I spoke of walking toward a park yesterday and realizing it was too far?
Well, I had promised Christina's girls that I would take there in my car.
By the way, they are absolutely thrilled to ride in my 2001 Saturn!
And just why is that?
The manually-operated, roll-down windows, that's why.
They are just fascinated with the idea of turning that crank and rolling down the glass!
Nice that they are so easily entertained... like me.
Oh, yes, talking about an imaginary kitteh that a fairytale princess had.
Two guesses on who was the princess.
That would be the littlest girl, now not so little.
Miyah - I mean, Rapunzel - is seen here climbing the stairs up to her castle.
All the while that she is doing so, I hear meowing.
Steady, unceasing, meowing, accompanied by some pawing on the bars of the 'cage' at the top of those stairs.
That caterwauling is coming from Chloe, who seems to never miss an opportunity to get down on all fours to play a pet of some kind.
Anyway, it seems the cat had gone up the staircase and, like cats tend to do, forgotten how to get down.
So, up Rapunzel had gone to rescue her!
She did so by example, first going down the slide herself, then coaxing the cat to follow her lead.
Eventually the little cat did, while Rapunzel waited at the bottom to make sure she didn't fall off.
What lovely imaginations!!!
By the time we returned home, Christina, ever the mom for all of us, had made Chinese food for dinner.
Yes, she did!
It was delicious, too!
Again, I have to say how proud of her I am.
Not once has she complained of pain and she isn't even taking the strong pain meds the doctor sent home with her.
After dinner, I helped the girls take their showers and get all cleaned up from their playtime at the park.
Then, we did something I loved: we drew!
They were right at my feet as I sat on the couch, each with huge sheets of paper and lots of markers and crayons to let the imagination run free.
It was wonderful, truly!
All four of us were right there together, sharing thoughts, sharing love...
Yes, that was worth getting up at 6 AM today.
Now, tomorrow is coming.
Christina and I will watch a few more episodes of "Will Trent", then go to bed.
I do believe her fascination with the show mirrors mine: here's a man with dyslexia, who was raised in a series of foster homes, with a brilliant mind that catches details to solve crimes.
I'm glad she likes it, too.
I still wish I would have been able to answer the casting company's call to have my little car in the show, but it simply wasn't possible.
At least my car's twin was in "Monk".
Good night, y'all.
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