Sunday, January 18, 2009


An unexpected bonus, a perquisite, was awarded to me at the cinema tonight. I was there to see a concert movie (Fall Out Boy in NYC), a rare occurrence in and of itself in this town. I had been contemplating whether or not to have popcorn with my night out or to save that money for another time and had almost fixated on the latter option as I approached the ticket counter. "One ticket for 'Fall Out Boy,' please." "Oh, here, you can be the guest of the theater tonight, just write your name and phone number on this log." Incredulously, I did as I was bid and was rewarded with free passage into a night-time show. With my ticket money still in hand, I went on to the concession stand and treated myself to popcorn AND a small coke. That proved to be a bonus for the cinema: contrary to popular opinion, they make their money off snack sales, not ticket purchases. Lagniappe for all!

I really do like that Cajun word: lagniappe. So many synonyms are available, all with their shades of meaning. Perquisite, aka "perk." Bonus. Gratuity. Reward. Benefit. Gift. Tip. As per, the word of interest means "an unexpected or indirect benefit." Unexpected is good! I like surprises, especially those which grant me a gift simply for my presence in the right place at the right time.

This weekend has been full of lagniappe. Saturday morning, I was called to breakfast with dear friends (and their children!) I haven't seen for a while, mostly due to schedule conflicts. What a bonus to start the day with a meal with family! Later, I went to my 10-year-old niece's birthday party and was greeted with the company of extended family I rarely get to see, as well as the absolute pleasure of playing Five Star Family Fun games with my nieces and nephew. From there, I was off to another friend's 50th birthday party and again was thrilled to be sociable with folks I see only once or twice a year, as well as those I see more often.

I finished Saturday doing my karaoke thing, with songs added to the playlist earlier that very day "especially for me". What a treat, indeed! Friends from another social group just happened to be there, too, so we chatted and laughed and talked about a future sociable event slated for Monday evening. Later, a new friend arrived and we sang some duets for songs that aren't those kinds of songs... and we did them well and had great fun with the non-traditional duets!

Today, I woke up when I woke up, which means I slept in. What a luxurious bonus to be able to lounge in a warm bed until almost 11am! Then, I pretty much didn't do anything all day, just goofed on the computer, took care of a few household chores, made some lunches for next week, all at a leisurely pace. I even talked on the phone several times to folks, including an old friend trying to renew the friendship we once enjoyed. That'll certainly be a bonus, too.

Then I went to the cinema to watch a concert and a complete stranger offered me: lagniappe.

1 comment:

faustina said...

While I can still put names with events, why don't I?
The friends that I dined with at Midtown Deli that morning were John & Deatre Denion, and their kids Cecelia Belle and Aaron.

The niece celebrating her 10th birthday was Chelsea MacEwen, daughter of my outlaw Melinda and her hubby, Matt. Christina and Micheal are Chelsea's older siblings. The birthday party was at a games complex in Pooler.

The friend celebrating her 50th was Josie Coleman-Williams, one of the few that I've known since high school days at Jenkins. That party was in Midway, so I obviously got around that day!

The karaoke was most likely at Steed's, as that was my venue of choice when Sam Johnson was alive... and in January of 2009, he still was.
"Friends from another social group" refers to who knows at this juncture in time.

The call from an old friend that I'd lost touch with? Probably someone I still talk to, but who knows?

I do wonder sometimes why I felt the need to not mention names.
Silly of me, really.
Still, during this time of pandemic, it does give me something to do, so it's certainly not a bad thing.
Silver linings, and all that.