Saturday, April 10, 2010


My house is full of people! FULL OF PEOPLE!!! It's so nice... it really is. My BFF's kids stayed here last night, as did my bird from Charleston, and we all watched one of my favorite movies last night. The girl had never seen it and I wanted them to all see Paul Reubens' hammy death number, so we watched "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" on my tiny tv... and really enjoyed it, and each other's company. Yes, indeed, life is GOOD.
Last night, while my BFF and her husband had some snuggling time sans progeny, said progeny were with me at "12 Angry Men", presented at Indigo Arts Center. Great show about justice and bias and rational thought. The neatest part for me? Noticing how well the three teens were following the unfolding logic. I had been concerned that the show might be a little too dry for them, but I also knew several of the actors and believed in their ability to make the story fresh, even though the action took place in one small room in the 1950's. And keep it fresh they did! We even had some discussion about the play as we were driving home.
Today, we all went to wash laundry at my favorite laundrette. The kids had spent the week on the road and wanted to all have some clean things to wear. Off we went after breakfast, walking over to the variety store during the wash cycle. My bird stayed at home, in case the parents of my charges should happen to arrive before our return... at least, that was his story! Actually, I think he just wanted a little quiet time!
We've been to the beach for the Tybee Seafood Festival, where we had some food, walked on the pier, and decided the breeze was just a bit too brisk! Plus, the food had just whet our appetites, so we headed back toward Savannah, stopping to lunch on the veranda at Flying Fish Bar & Grill. Soon we'll go to the Lucas Theatre to see "The Godfather" on the big screen. It's one of the offerings of the SCAD Cinema Circle of films. Fun!

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