Thursday, August 2, 2012

luna pier

A new beach for me! This little town of less than 2000 inhabitants was incorporated in 1963 and is a beachside destination for folks in Detroit and Toledo. Me? I saw the name of the town as I was traveling south and decided to visit.
How could I resist? The name lured me in, tempting my imagination, snagging my interest. Caught by my curiosity, I allowed myself to be reeled in, offering no resistance at all. And I landed on a shore arching contrapposto to its crescent of pier, linked only by a red beacon pointing skyward.
The upcoming full moon is part of the reason I ventured there. All summer, full moons have encouraged me to walk toward craziness. There's a quote somewhere about actions not taken being those regretted most and the moon reminds me that I missed an opportunity for a kiss not taken.
Perhaps, indeed, no kiss was intimated that evening three months ago. Perhaps I was besot with the moonlight and jellyfish lightning and merely imagined the taste of kisses in the air.
I do know the thought of missed kisses has brought many a bout of insomnia and cast a restlessness on my spirit. And every month, as the moon waxes full again, I lose myself to crazed longings.
How ridiculous.
No more!
Besides, I've already pledged big kisses and not yet delivered.
And I am a woman of my word.

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