Wednesday, August 8, 2012

no Professor Doom gonna stand in my way

My car broke down late last Saturday night, while returning from a long trip in the midwest.
Fortunately, it was not on the highway, but on an acess road, surrounded by lights and businesses.
Fortunately, I was with a friend who kept a good attitude and kept trying to reassure me and lighten my concern.
Fortunately, I have road assistance with my car insurance, so I didn't have to worry about the expense of getting the car towed.
Fortunately, the road assistance people recommended a mechanic who would be open on a Sunday to assess the problem.
Fortunately, I was on the outskirts of a town where I had family.
Fortunatle, my nephew was home and able to take in me and my friend and his furry companions, late on a Saturday night.
Fortunately, we found a rental agency that was open the next day and had cars available.
Fortunately, my nephew was able to take us there and patiently wait for us, keeping the cats safe in his truck.
Fortunately, my friend did an amazing thing: he took on the expense of renting the car.
Fortunately, we made it back here with no further difficulties.
Fortunately, he allowed me to keep the car for the next day, so I could easily get to a mandatory workshop.
Fortunately, he traveled with me the next afternoon to retrieve my car, even though it meant a late night on a weeknight.
Fortunately, he did it all without ever once complaining.
Not once.


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