Wednesday, October 3, 2012

what if

"I don't believe in hypothetical situations. It's like lying to your brain."
So spoke a literal-minded character on "30 Rock".
Sometimes I catch myself weaving story lines I know to be untrue, tales to make my life seem more fulfilled, more exciting, more...worth living.
Sometimes I even catch myself believing the fabrications more so than the reality.
And sometimes the threads woven to tether me to this world begin to unravel and I find myself unwilling to remain.
I had one of those moments a few weeks ago after "Project Shiphunt". The film left me desperately missing my mother.
I found myself in a restaurant downtown, unable to stop crying, wishing myself anywhere but on this blue-green orb.
The waitstaff let me be and didn't ask questions beyond general needs.
More tea?
Is the food okay?
Can I get you anything else?
And I sobbed and ate a delicious meal and watched the fish and ignored the chatterings of those sitting behind me, ignored others who entered and left as I sat.
And I sobbed, quietly, wiping saltwater stains onto my shirtsleeves.
By the time I was to return to the Ocean Film Festival, my tears were fairly spent. And the next film helped to strengthen my tether once more, at least for the night.


faustina said...

Going through the drafts on my phone, I found an old one that belongs with this post.

"I miss Mama so much. I just watched a film called Project Shiphunt and realized how proud she was of me. I wish I could tell her about it."

faustina said...

I stumbled upon this post today and decided to try to find a copy of "Project Shiphunt" to watch again.
Well, guess what?
It DOES exist on the waves of ether!

Also, the movie was in a film festival during the first year of pandemic.
I wonder what It may have won?

And, the documentary was in the Thunder Bay International Film Festival back in 2019!

faustina said...

How wonderful to see this again, a decade after my first time!
I find myself wondering what became of those five high school students.
Did they follow a path into marine science? Interactive video control of explorer robots? Instrument design? Unsolved historical events?
No tears this time, just smiles and happy thoughts.