Friday, December 7, 2012

love child

On Wednesday, my bfe and I watched one of the Psychotronic Film Society of Savannah's Wednesday night films at the coffee house aouth of Forsyth Park. I can't recall the name right now, but it was a campy 1970's movie about the dangers of being a rebellious teen girl around a lecherous older guy. The main character was nicknamed "Angel" by the lech, who had started off as a helper with her sports team, then a photographer, then a front man for a child pornography ring.
We both were incredulous that this had made it on the air during prime time back in the day!

Anywho, the next day, we exchanged the following silliness. Text-style, of course, as he has an aversion to actually speaking on the phone, thanks to a former B*.
Hey, hey, hey! I refer to her name! Sheesh.
Ahem... I digress!

bfe: Were you a love child or planned?
bfe: We should keep our friendship private between us. Don't tell your mom.
bfe: Dinner Tuesday sounds great Angel. Thank-YOU.
(The above were in quick succession as individual texts. I responded in similar manner.

me: Too late! Mama knows about you!

me: :D no, thank YOU!

me: I was planned, I think. My folks were married 2 years b4 i was born. you?

bfe: Oh, I am confident I was a mistake!
me: Nah, just unexpectedly early. i can say that because your folks are still together after all these years.

bfe: They were already married a year, but I came along during their junior year of college. Who decides to have a kid during their junior year?
me: people who have unprotected sex, that's who! they are called 'parents'. Yep.

And so ends another episode of "It came by T E X T", brought to you by a sandy kid with the ocean singing in her ears...

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