Friday, December 28, 2012

quadruple header

Yesterday, I had a quadruple header! Yes, I did! My very own film festival!
Seriously, four movies in a row should certainly qualify as a film festival, right? Perhaps especially if those films are not even at the same cinema? I don't know if there is some hard and fast rule that disallows personal film festivals, but I don't know of any such. And so I proclaim: If four films are seen in quick succession, whether on a single day or over the course of four days, that is hereby decreed an instance of Faustina's Film Festival.
I rather like the sound of that!
So, this episode of Faustina's Film Festival began at 1:05 PM yesterday. The first movie on the agenda was "Guilt Trip", featuring - gasp! - Barbara Stresand. Really! As the mother of a grown chemist son who thinks he has created a better, greener, cleanser. This film has one of the most realistic depictions of the relationship of an only son to a single mother. Having been married to a man who falls into that category, and having had such man recommend this film to me over the holidays whilst he was in town visiting his children, I can definitely recommend it. Anyone who wants to better understand the dynamics of two such people, this film does so without getting all psychoanalytical on you. I presents its case, and moves on. If I may add: do stay to watch the credits. The airport full of mothers and sons of all ages interacting together will tug at your heart!
Then, off across town to meet two friends for a three-dimensional treat! You see, part of the allure of my first film was this: it had a start time which assured me I could reach my pre-arranged assignation on time. Really! My idea for a film festival began with my desire to try for a double- or triple-header on the southside of town, and, with that goal, I took in that first movie to try to seal the deal for me.
So, there I was at my designation, with my former bird and my schoolmarm friend, donning special glasses for "Cirque Du Soleil 3D: Worlds Away", expecting a lavish and elaborate feast for the senses - and getting every bit of that!!! Combining segments from several of their established shows in Las Vegas and Orlando, the talented dancing acrobats had woven together a tale of romance under the bigtop. There were two short lines of dialogue at the beginning of the film, then the tale unfolded via song, instrumental interludes, and dance. My!!! I do hope I will be able to sit in at that feast again!
Afterward, we all talked for a bit, but then went our separate ways. Or, rather, they went to their homes and I hung out at the nearby mall for a bit of dinner before the continuation of my film festival. After all, I had two discount passes burning a hole in my pocket, so why not see a couple of Oscar-nominated films, at a special price, while I still could?
And at 7:25 PM, I bopped across from the southside mall to view "Silver Linings Playbook", one of the sold-out-before-I-could-get-a-ticket evening offerings at this year's Savannah Film Festival. Featuring the primary actress from "Hunger Games", this film has her portray a young widow, less than a year after the death of her beloved husband. She interacts with a bipolar man, recently released from anger management rehabituation, a man trying to find the new set of rules for living his life. The film does a great job of showing the fine line between those diagnosed with a mental illness and those who have not yet, but are clearly "not quite right". The film also shows grief and guilt through the eyes of a young adult, and does so realistically.
I then had about thirty minutes to let that one settle before my 10:10 PM screening of "Flight." That had also been shown at the SFF, on the opening night of that festival. Again, it had been sold out, so I had intended to see the movie when it hit the mainstream cinemas... and it had been out for some time, yet I had not inked it into my schedule. Now, it was time. And how better to conclude my Film festival than with two from THAT film festival?
I was quite impressed. The film managed to surprise me at the end! As well as providing an accurate look at addiction, it tried to blend the view of bystanders with the story through the eyes of the addict. I highly recommend it.
In fact, I highly recommend ALL of the films I saw at Faustina's Film Festival. Whether you seek to be entertained or educated, these four will satisfy both needs.

1 comment:

faustina said...

fb flashback for Dec. 29, 2012:
"Kielbasa and eggs for breakfast with the ex, then to my oldest great-niece's 6th birthday, and now off to the tunes of Barefoot Booyah and maybe Magic Rocks!"