Saturday, January 11, 2014

well, i thought i knew what i was going to say

This afternoon, I threw myself out of the house, at what I thought was nearly too late, and ended up on time for most of the previews at the cinema. I had determined that I would go see "Tyler Perry's A Madea Christmas" and compare the attitudes there, in these modern times to those Ron Woodruff faced in yesterday's film (during the years between 1985 and 1992). In other words, I wanted to compare how differently society today views a black man who cross dresses to share his philosophy of life with how society reacted toward a white heterosexual man who was diagnosed with HIV in the mid-1980's (only 28 short years ago).
Well, I'm here to say that I've changed my mind.
That sounds like it would be a fine topic for Philo Cafe, on some Monday evening when I might be able to make it to that group again. It would also make for animated discussions in literature courses dealing with sexuality and society mores.
But I'd rather talk about the movie I saw today.
My stepmom and I had loosely planned to go see Madea in her latest flick on the Saturday after Christmas. Concerned that there might be a blue language issue, and knowing her distaste of such, I suggested "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" instead.
That turned out to be a good choice for a couple of reasons.
First, we had the cinema to ourselves. Very nice! Especially as there were projector problems which delayed the movie's start, but that allowed us more time to catch up with our chats.
Second, when the film did finally start, they jumped right to the movie we were there for, with no previews slowing things down. Good! We had slunch plans with my eldest brother and his wife, so we would still be on time to meet with them!
Third, the movie was beautifully shot, though all the scenes of snow and ice eventually had us taking shelter beneath my shawl. Cool! (All puns intended!)
Fourth, the story was excellent, so much so that my stepmom said she was going to search out James Thurber's short story and read it again. Hello, library!
All of which brings me back to today's movie choice. I had putzed around and missed all of the earlier start times of the pricebuster films at the Carmike and Madea's was the last on the cheap seats of the day. That's okay; given the gravity of the film last night, something decidedly light was in order. Then I had the bright idea of the comparison and out the door I went.
And so, now, here we are.
And the reason I continue to write is this: I heard one of my favorite Christmas songs in today's movie. That song? "Mary, Did You Know?" As Christmas songs go, this one is very recent, having been written in 1984. One of the women in my church (Jamie Kelso) sang it beautifully for the Christmas Eve service.
At the tail end of the Tyler Perry movie, that song was featured. Sung in its entirety by a young man I was unfamiliar with, a 12-year-old named Noah Urrea. What a nice surprise!
And that is what my message is: be open to surprises.

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