Monday, November 25, 2013

favor from a physicist

So, the dialogue went like this:

me: Hey, are you still on campus? I need a favor.
him: I am. What do you need?
me: I'm stranded at Wendy's and my car won't start. I have help coming, but I don't know when they will get here and class is at 6. Could you leave a note on the board and ask them to stay until I get there? Tonight is their last test.
him: I can do that. Which room?
me: 2502. Just let them know I will be a little late and to please stay.

short time passes

him: Done! Hope your car problem turns out to be something cheap and easy ... like a good date!
me: lol! Thank you!

So, the car gets started, and I get to the school, just a few minutes late. I rush to make copies of the test and head to the room, where everyone is sitting, waiting, in accordance with the message on the board.
Are you ready for this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Universe via


There's nothing worth regret, Faustina.

Absolutely nothing, ever.

Same for fear, worry, and anger.

Let 'em go, rise above, get down, move on -
The Universe