Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Samuel L. Jackson says: "WAKE UP!!!"

I had to get a little car work done, so I scheduled my time for that task for today.
Tightwad Tuesday, as it is known at the cinema near my mechanic.
I specifically wanted to see "Chi-Raq", the latest from Spike Lee. You can always count on him to get a conversation started, right?
How very true this time around! What a star-studded cast! With Samuel L. Jackson, John Cusack, Angela Bassett, D.B. Sweeney, and Wesley Snipes, you knew the message must be important and must be meant for all people to hear.
That's quite a bit of celebrity fire-power locked and loaded, aimed straight at the heart of the matter: sex for peace. Incredible, right? Especially when you consider that this film is a timely remake of Aristophanes' "Lysistrata" - a Greek play that's almost 2400 years old. I have no idea how Spike Lee learned of the work, but kudos to him for his part in updating it into a modern script.
Kudos for him, also, for the acknowledgement that men are not going to solve the problem of black-on-black crime. The mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, and female cousins of the children shot dead or maimed by stray gang weapons, these are the women of the world who are going to have to lead the fight to stop the death toll of innocents. More than SEVEN THOUSAND DEAD in Chicago? A city in a peaceful state in a peaceful country? Outrageous. Unconscionable. As Spike Lee said, "I'm trying to save lives. We have to save lives."
Kudos to the folks in charge at the Victory Square 9 for screening this film.
Of the five multiplexes in Savannah, they are THE ONLY CINEMA SHOWING THIS FILM.
It bears noting that this location had long been regarded as the "black" movie theater in Savannah, before Frank Theatres took charge. They have certainly worked hard to remove the once-negative stigma of that branding. It was only a few years ago since I was "run off" from this cinema after one too many threatening encounters with black teen groups on one too many evenings.
So, again I say: Kudos to Frank Theatres.
Let's hope the womenfolks, the murderers, and those in charge in Chicago, ILL, take heed.
There certainly weren't any gangbangers, 'bang' shorties, or politicos in attendance with us tonight.
Me? I think only the choirmembers will show up for this practice session.
Still, I'm going to sing its praises to all who stand still long enough and all who wander to my piece of ethernet.
And pass the inspiration...

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