Saturday, January 23, 2016

every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man!

ZZ Top sure did nail it that time!
I had sent the above photo of Tyrone Hayes to my niece, for her to relay it to my email, as my phone has lost that ability again.
You can't really tell from this photo, but he was quite the snazzy dresser! Just look at this video and you'll agree.
I had also accidentally sent it to my friend, Carolyn.
But that led to a lively exchange!

her: Oh, it looks like you are having waaaay too much fun. Well, a bit more fun than me. Enjoy, and I do mean, ENJOY!

me: LOL! I thought I might have sent that pic to you! Am at Telluride Mountainfilm fest!

her: Yes, I can see that you're having a man-fest. You go, girl. Hope you are enjoying the fest, both of them.

me: Thank you! If I play nice, can I keep him? LOL!

her: Yes, and if you play "dirty", you can keep him for sure!

me: :-)

her: I would appreciate it if you could manage to wipe that smile off your face by the next time I see you, that way I may not be too jealous. Maybe?
her: I would say go ahead and "rub it in", but methinks there may already be rubbing involved.

me: :-) :-) :-)
me: I'm going to the matinee at 2 at the Trustees. Only 5 bucks for about ten films. You interested?

her: Hell yes!

me: Major coolness!

her: Meet you in front between 1:45 and 1:50 tomorrow. Bring all the guys you want. I will take all of the ones that are too old and infirm to keep up with you.

me: He he he! :-)

her: Actually, that would be about 75% of the population of Savannah. I know because I see them all at "Old farts R Us" getting senior discounts on their coffees. Ain't Life Grand/ or Grande? :-) :-)

me: Girl, you so funny! See you tomorrow! :-)

And now, I must get ready to do that very thing!

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