Friday, January 1, 2016

greens, greens, greens!

This year has started well!
I had turnip greens and black-eyed peas and cornbread still warm from the oven for breakfast! Oh, and for luck, two slices of ham from the family gathering! What a fabulous - and healthy and filling! - way to begin both my day and the new calendar year!

Mid-afternoon, I ventured to the fundraiser luncheon my friend Marjorie was promoting.
Held at a local veteran-owned brewery,
and benefiting Stop Soldier Suicide,
it very much appealed to my former-military self.
What a nice lunch my tenner bought, too!
Two large slices of roast pork loin!
Collard greens seasoned with molasses!
Black-eyed peas and white rice!
Bacon-enhanced cornbread!
Thanks, Marjorie, for the heads-up!
I passed the word along, of course.
Gotta share the joy!

One of the things I liked about the site was a huge blackboard. On it was emblazoned the question "HOW DO YOU SERVE?"
I took up a piece of purple chalk and wrote "GIVE BLOOD!"
Later, I saw someone else had also written that response. Nice!
"Nursing" appeared a couple of times, too.
I liked "Willingly and humbly", too.
"CASA", "Coastal Pet Rescue", "Hospice Savannah", "DEEP".
Community theater volunteers.
"Foster parents do it!"
"Voting to ensure a safe and prosperous Savannah".
"I supply chemicals for your water purification and aluminum can recycling."
"Science in the national interest".
"Educate the youth in STEM."
Lots of teachers on the board, too!
Good for Service Brewing Co. for supplying this outlet!
How reassuring to see many of the things I hold dear listed on the board!

After, I went back home to work on my online materials for Chemistry 1151. (Educating the youth, and adults, in STEM, y'all!)
For dinner, I made a stew from BEP, greens, and ham - tasty! I also polished off the Starfox Barrel Roll and fries from the Chromatic Dragon - still tasty, especially dipped in the stew!
I had hoped to go see "Star Wars" on the IMAX with Barbara, but she was ill. Poor girl! We'll have to catch that another time this year. No worries - I don't know if it'll play as long as the first one did (forty weeks!), but I'm sure it'll be in the cinemas for a while!
New plans for the evening?
Work on the 1151 homework assignments! That will be several hours well spent, I assure you!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Just so you know:

I managed to complete the construction of THREE of the FIVE homework assignments. Whew!
Then I watched "Bones"! She has David Alan Grier guesting as "Dr. Bunsen Jude, the Science Dude", a television show host who made a visit to her forensics lab to try to get her to guest on HIS kid-oriented show. Hilarious!