Monday, June 17, 2013

life saver, one pint at a time

Today, in honor of my birthday, I gave blood.
To my surprise, it was the first time this year that I gave.
Not good.
Well, I'm a VIP LifeSaver, Silver level, for the American Red Cross. I have been for quite a few years, as the act of giving to others is part of my nature. Silver level means that I have pledged to donate one pint of whole blood at least three times annually.
That's why I was surprised that I have not given at least once before today. I generally try to give in March, then close to my birthday, than some time in the fall. The times sometimes vary, but I easily make my three pledged donations.
I'm not really sure how I fell so far behind this year. Perhaps it was the general sickliness I had this past winter. After all, you cannot give when you're ill, as the cold virus may be passed on to others - and, if they're needing your blood to save their life, they are already too damaged to fight your viruses.
So, today I made good on the first pledge.
While I was there, they had giant postcards. You know, the kind you send to others when on vacation? This was part of their "Summer of Stories" campaign. They asked that donors write on the cards to say why they donate blood.
Of course, I complied.

I give...

so someone's little girl can go to the beach and chase seagulls.

so someone's big brother will be around to help them move into their college dorm.

so someone's mother can keep hugging them at bedtime.

so someone's father will be there to teach them to drive.

I give to share the love.

Happy birthday to me!

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