Wednesday, October 23, 2013

hap haphaphap py bir birth th th d d d da y

Dear Tony,

I know you can't hear him, but this otter is singing "happy birthday" to you! So, when he puts his little paws down, you'll know he's done and you can look thrilled and clap for him. Okay? But he's a very slow singer (English is not his first language), so it may take a while. Just keep checking to see when he's done!

Me, I think his earnest expression is priceless. What a sweet little otter!

Meanwhile, here's a vocabulary quiz! Joy!

slurve is:
A) ice cream drink.
B) automobile stunt.
C) baseball pitch.

chillax is:
A) ice fish.
B) calm down.
C) rudely insult.

liger is:
A) liquid measure.
B) midnight snack.
C) big cat.

Now I'm torn between writing the answers on the back or waiting until next time I write to you.

Hmmm...well, this time I won't make you wait. But next time...bwah ha ha!

slurve is a baseball pitch which combines a slider and a curve ball

chillax is to calm down, which combines chill and relax

liger is a big cat which combines a lion with a tiger

Happy birthday!
(Is that otter done yet?)


Anonymous said...

Here is the legend of the sea otter: Sea otters represent play and friendliness and remind us to keep the joy of youth in our lives. Just as sea otters hold hands with one another and tie onto the kelp beds while they rest, they remind us to stay anchored to The Spirit, our family and loved ones, so that we may avoid drifting into dark places.

Anonymous said...

30 October - Last night, I got the Halloween card as well as the birthday card. The otter will not stop singing happy birthday to me! His english is so bad that I can barely understand a word he sings.

Peace be with you.