Thursday, July 30, 2015

good news about Ronnie!

What a relief! We no longer have to worry about where he is.
I want to shout the news from the top of Lookout Mountain, but right here on my beach will do just fine.
Ronnie's in jail.
Seriously, what a relief!
Sue Crowe told me, after doing the calling around to find where he was.
Memorial Hospital? No.
St. Joseph's Hospital? No.
Candler Hospital? No.
Chatham County Sheriffs' Complex? Yep!
Ronnie will be there until at least August 11th. That's his court date for being drunk and disorderly and for loitering.
Not that any of that activity is new.
What is new is that someone actually called the police about him.

I've told my oldest brother.
I've told Ronnie's daughter.
I've told Ronnie's son.
We are all of the same opinion: Thank God!
He'll be in an air-conditioned cell, instead of a bug-infested, torn-door, ripped tent in the woods. (No, he has not yet set up the new tent I bought for him.)
He'll be getting food and water, at least two times a day.
He won't be existing on alcohol and someone else's cigarette butts.
He won't be hanging out with alcoholics and homeless folk at the Chevron.
He won't be panhandling around the Target or the Home Depot.
He won't be "falling asleep in a fire ant bed" anymore. (He did that last Thursday. Truth be told, he "passed out in a drunken stupor" in a fire ant bed and they ate up one of his arms. Memorial Hospital took care of it and sent him off, probably that same day.)
He'll have access to his blood pressure medication again. As far as I know, he has not arranged with anyone to take him to the clinic so he can have his prescription refilled. (That would be from his trip to the hospital with chest pains in the middle of June.)
He'll be able to shower and shave and wash his hair.

What a relief to know he is safe!
i thank You, God!

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