Saturday, February 7, 2009

I feel the music in me!

I feel the music in me/ I feel the music in me/ I feel the music in ME! There's an upbeat tune and pretty much the mantra of my life. Music revives me, calms me, nurtures me, inspires me! These last few days, I've had music from varied sources feeding my brain and my soul.

Thursday, I was fortunate enough to snag a free ticket to the Savion Glover "concert," Bare Sounds. Mind you, ALL the tickets were free - incredible as that may sound and many thanks to the City of Savannah - but they were preferentially given to kids in the public school system, by lottery, as the venue was a bit small. So, on Thursday, with a list of other options in mind, I went to the Johnny Mercer Theatre about 75 minutes before showtime, hoping, hoping, hoping... and was fortunate enough to find a woman there who gave tickets not only to me, but to a couple there in line with me. Thank you, kind stranger!

The show was FABULOUS, all that I had hoped and more. Wow! Savion, the tap dancer extraordinaire, and his two proteges were incredible, seeming to float in the air, connected only by the sound of their feet to the earth. No instruments, no recorded tunes, just THEM. After two 45-minute, non-stop sets, I was absolutely energized and ready to go dancing myself!

Instead, I went out with friends to a new bar and slowed down. We sat up on the stage with Kyle, the lone guitarist, who was singing favorites from the past 50 years. Great range of songs, diverse genres, mellow voice to make it all work.

My musical odyssey continued. Friday night was the finale of the Psychotronic Film Festival and the faithful following - and even those not so - had been promised a rock-umentary to be named the night of the showing. A mystery! Those up on such things, and knowing the bent of Jim Reed's talented musical mind, were guessing what treat was in store. Me? I was there for the film, regardless of the talent showcased.

The film, an art circuit limited release, was "MC5", aka Motor City 5, among other acronyms. My fave was Much Cock 5. (Thanks, Wayne!) The band began with a fistfight between Fred and Robin... and ended about seven years later, again with a fistfight between the bassist and vocalist. Guys who just wanted to play music, who were fortunate enough to have a manager early on who knew how the system worked... and, in turn, worked the band for his own political gain. When the manager was imprisoned, the band's expansion apart accelerated, casting some more toward their growing families or others more into riding smack. The band's entity existed in the late 1960's and early 1970's and presaged the coming sounds of punk and metal of much later years.

I finished out the night with Barefoot Booyah at the Robin's Nest in Pooler. A young, modern, folk-pop duo, the band consists of a vocalist/guitarist and an innovative percussionist. To call Sammy a drummer would not do him justice - hey, the man plays FROGS, among other things. Definitely an upbeat way to end the evening and the night's musical consumption. And I may be biased, being the singer is my niece's husband, but I think they've composed some great tunes! Anyone wanna borrow the CD?

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