Saturday, February 14, 2009

what a difference

"What a difference a day makes/ twenty-four little hours/ brought the sun and the flowers/ where there used to be rain." Esther Phillips may not have been the first to sing it, but her version is the one I hear in my mind when I think of this song.

Today is definitely a new day. After sleeping in this morning - a rare nine hours of rest! - I feel like a new person. Even though I awoke to rain and gray skies, I am not daunted. I can take on THE WORLD! Now, if I could just break away from this computer... Soon, I promise! The Irish festival awaits! I have free tickets, obtained by my promise to volunteer as a ticket-taker for three hours tomorrow. Cool beans! Exclamation points FOR ALL!!!

I really need to get more sleep, obviously. I'm practically high just from having had so much peaceful sleep and no plans for this morning... no real plans for today... the true meaning of "open options." Yeah, I deserve to treat myself this way more often.

And now, I'm going to get in my car and see where it takes me... maybe the REAL beach?

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