Tuesday, February 17, 2009

phish phood

So, there I was last night, hopping along the bunny trail of myspace. Smelling the flowery phrases left by current friends. Discovering the haunts of old friends and inviting them to my neck of the woods. Checking out the flavors of events to come and updating my calendar. And then - BAMMM! I am whisked, post-haste back to my homepage! BAMMM! The gatekeeper Tom is pasted at the top of my page with a message: your password has been phished!!! You are forbidden to travel elsewhere in myspace until you change your password! Do it NOW!!!

And I'm banished to a gray page. "Enter old password, enter new password, repeat!" No, you cannot update your status. No, you cannot check for new messages. No, no, NO!

Hmphf! Fine, fine, I'll create a new password. On the spot, just like that. Fine.

So, I did. I'm not sure I'll recall it later, but it is changed and that's what the gatekeeper demanded. Then I bugged out of there, cleared my temporary internet files, and closed the browser. And I'm debating whether I want to go there tonight... maybe tomorrow. The phisher should be long gone by then.

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