Thursday, February 19, 2009


Mama and I used to have a telepathy with each other. When something of major consequence was going on, we could call each other and KNOW by the sound of the ring that it was the other of us calling. Mind you, this was WAY before caller ID and ring tones for cell phones; this was back in the 70's and 80's, when I was in the Navy and living half a world away. This telepathy was a very good thing, good for helping us feel close even when we were so geographically separate, and I only ever had it with Mama.

Tonight, I have reason to believe that my middle brother's daughter, the one who looks so much like me, may have a smidgen of that telepathy. Either that, or Mama angelically inspired my niece to check on me tonight.

It so happened that I was in the Cracker Barrel in Pooler, dining with friends after their daughter's fabulously fun dance show. The conversation turned toward my ex and his extramarital children and related issues. At any rate, the topic was bringing me way down, rehashing news that I thought I had shared with these friends some time ago, but had not. After dinner, we all left for our respective homes, me feeling absolutely bereft.

I no sooner get home than my niece calls. She and her husband are on the road and she thought she would call and say hey... something she hasn't done in months. And where were they? On the way home from... the Cracker Barrel in Pooler, where they had been dining with her husband's father. Whoa. And when? They had arrived before my party had and had been seated in the back section; we were in the front. Whoa. And when they left the restaurant, passing by the section where I had been seated, she thought of me. And we talked for almost an hour, leaving me calmed down and feeling loved.

Coincidence is an incredible occurrence. Thankfully.

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