Sunday, February 15, 2009


Revenge is a dish best served cold - but it takes so much preparation and is difficult to properly season. Irony, on the other hand, is a dish prepared for your benefit by someone else, and what's not to like about that?

Last night, I had a sumptuous feast laid out for me, a Valentine's Day gift from the cosmos. So very much prep work had to be done for this elaborate dish, and many hands were involved in getting it... "just so." First, I had to be familiar with the song "Cheater, Cheater" by Joey and Rory. Well, I watch music videos (VH1, CMH, GAC) on weekday mornings with my coffee and had seen that particular one a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed it. It has special meaning for me these AD-1 days, especially the line "to lay your hands on a married man is 'bout as low as a gal can get," even for a "no good white trash ho." Choice lyrics. Of course, the reason I watch the videos is because I live alone now, thanks to a ho.

Secondly, I had to be an afficionado of karaoke and I am. In fact, I had wanted to go to my favorite karaoke corral last night, I had even been personally invited by my friend, the karaoke host. But I knew an unsavory character would be there, so I abstained. It helps to know, at this point, that said karaoke host will let you sing whatever you write on a playslip, whether he thinks you can or should do the song or not.

So, there we have the song, the place, the major players. Except one. I had talked with another friend of the "Singles Awareness Night" event to be held at the corral. Like me, he didn't think he would be attending. Then he texted me the one word question: "steeds?" I replied I would go if he were going and we agreed to meet there in twenty minutes. The timing was perfect: I had just gotten out of my car when he arrived, so we entered together.

And there she was. On the karaoke stage. Singing, of all things, "Cheater, Cheater." Wow!


Anonymous said...

Tina...........very interesting reading.

I have always liked the way you think and enjoy reading your words. The way you express yourself if fantastic and I always learn something from you. Thanks.

faustina said...

Ernie, thanks for you kindness! You're a pretty mean wordsmith yourself... maybe you'll start blogging and share your insights on the the world and the follies of its people?

Anonymous said...

Life works in mysterious ways....!

HouseT said...

Welp, that beats my "Mom harrasses me for most of the weekend" story by a good four car lengths. That's some pure, unadulterated irony for you right there.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I thought you were pissed about the gift I sent you with handcrafted items!! Great article!

Anonymous said...

.....that would be me, Melanie.