Wednesday, March 4, 2015

changes for the better!

Dear Tony,

Congratulations on your downgrade to Minimum Security! Wow! That is very good news!

The snow? Not so much. I especially dislike ice, because on the road you cannot see it. I've also slipped on steps before, due to ice I couldn't see. It just looks "wet", it doesn't look "frozen".

Your dorm situation sounds like my barracks when I was in boot camp. We had a company of 72, with 18 double-decker bunks to each side of a wide central aisle. I'm amazed that is such a clear image in my mind. Along the walls were our "lockers", which really were just open shelves.

I don't recall how many showers and stalls there were, but I think it was six. Maybe eight? Certainly no more than that. I was glad I had cut my hair before boot camp! Remember? It used to be below my waist when I was in high school.

It's pretty long now, but not quite that long. maybe I'll cut it come summer, maybe not. I rather enjoy wearing ponytails and pigtails.

Yesterday, the weather turned nice for the first time in what feels like forever. 70's! Yeah! I'll enjoy it one more day before it plunges back down into the 50's and thank God for the respite from the cold. Amen!!

with my love!

ps Glad you got the money from me and Bonnie!

***** ***** *****

Then, on the back, two jokes:

Q: Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day?
A: Because regular rocks are too heavy.

A moth said to another, "Have a bite of this sweater. It's delicious!"
The other moth says, "I can't. I've given them up for lint."

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