Thursday, March 19, 2015

liquid dihydrogen oxide

Drizzling, dripping, dropping.
Water from the sky.

My first niece contacted me this morning.
The text may have even woken me up.
her: Would you like to go to lunch today?

That was around 10:19 AM.
My response was about an hour later when I saw the text.
me: Am awake now.
her: How does Carey Hilliard's sound?
me: You must be reading my mind. Why would you want to do that? :-)
her: There are some pretty cool ideas in there!
me: :-)
me: Which Carey? Waters? Skidaway? Abercorn? Garden City?
her: Definitely not Garden City.
her: Other than that one. You choose.
me: Waters. Because it's rainy. :-)
her: LOL. OK. When would you like to go?
me: About 1230 or so?
her: Ok.
me: C U there and then!
her: At 12:30? Or so?
me: Exactly.

And so we did, having a sunshiny day, just the two of us.
As always.

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