Tuesday, June 12, 2012

cure for pain

I love Morphine. Once, i had quite a few of their compact discs, but now i only have the one. The last time the ex was in town for the holidays, i gave him all save one: Cure For Pain. That one has some lyrics i can really get behind, lyrics that let me know that not only am i not alone in my madness but that others have trod this path. Actually, i've just realized as i was typing that madness is not IN my head so much as a state of being, another space in time which anyone may occupy on occasion, but hopefully not forever. Right?

Girl, you're NOT quite right, are you?

No, but i'm getting better, i swear i am. And we all know how well i can swear! :)


The music on this album - as is my default designation for solid matter on which music is deposited (and that's as far as THIs digression into the woods is allowed) - really speaks my language. Lots of brass, lots of dirty guitar, a drumline built for my hips! "Scuse me while I dance to Thursday.

Say what? Today just happens to be Tuesday, or did your lack of work cause you to forget days of the week?

Ha ha. You are sooo funny. No, the song is titled "Thursday" and talks about the weekly trysts between a guy and a married chick. Yes, it does violate my Second Law, but those Laws cannot be applied to others, only myself. Clearly. Else i would not even be writing this as i would not be living in my AD, i would most likely never have started this blog, and would not know all these new folks in my life. Yeah. But i digress yet again, as so often is the case of late...

Hello? Are you there? You seem to have drifted away?

Yeah, maybe a little. The lyrics on this particular song are all over me. "Let's take a trip together, headlong into the irresistible orbit." I so need to wake up somewhere different.

Well, hang in there, sunshine. You do have that trip coming up at the end of the month.

Yeah, you're right, i do, but you know very well that's a business trip and not the same thing as what i mean.

Well, it won't be all business, all the time. There will be plenty of time for play, too, in the evening.

If i say "sure" will you just drop it?

I don't know. If i drop it, will you kindly step out of your head and back into the real world? Off the nebulous turf of Madness and onto the solid surface of Reality?

"Solid surface of Reality"? Do you jest?? You, off all people, speaking of Reality as some fixed concept, state of being, frame of reference, when it is at least as ethereal as Madness? You, who have ranted time and time again about perspective and its effect on personal Reality? Spare me your inference that Reality is a firmer "place" to be than is the other.

Okay, i can see i've hit a sore spot, so allow me to rephrase and reiterate. While the weather is clear, perhaps you should get outside, do something constructive. Perhaps, just perhaps, you should take a step back from your emotional and mental states and concentrate on something in the physical world, something your hands can touch? Better?

My hands ARE touching something physical. Or at least my fingers are. My white-tipped fingers.
And thanks to high school, i'm actually typing this with my figners over the keyboard in the proper location, rather than hunt and peck, as was my Grandpa's style. You'd think that with his constant writing, he would have found it helpful to have learned typing strategy, so as to minimize his time spent with the typewriter, but he was pretty quick, probably quicker than i am. Hell's belles, THAT is probably true!
Yes, i do feel better. Thanks for asking.
And out i go! But next time, i AM going to finish this topic of me and my relationship with music. Oh, yes, i am.

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