Sunday, July 28, 2013

You-a very punny!

I do so wish I could claim that I devised the following bits of tongue-in-cheek-iness, but, alas, I cannot.
That credit goes to Matt Jones, creator of the weekly crossword puzzle in Connect Savannah.
This particular puzzle was titled "That's the Thinga" - Gotta it?
The puzzle appeared in the issue for 10-17 July. I didn't even pick up a copy of that one until late last night, while waiting for the peace Guy to wrap up his farewells. For whatever reason, Club One had three different issues of that entertainment paper on display.
But I digress.
As I am wont to do.
At times.
Just a little earlier today, I was working the puzzle. I like to do those on Sundays, I don't really know why.
I just do.
And I found myself trying to rush through it, just to solve the puns!
Hahaha! Haha!
Now, time to share them with you!
(Remember to read aloud for maximum enjoyment!)

A creature that fire roasts its own pies is Pizza Dragon.

The end of a deep sleep is coma over.

The Dalai Lama is a Lhasa leader.

Jabba interviews are talks that may ask "What's it like having a palace on Tatooine?"

Xhalanque, for instance, is Maya word.
(Yeah, I had to get help for that one about the Mayan Hero Twins.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's great to come upon a blog every once in a while that isn't the same old rehashed material. Excellent read!