Tuesday, December 3, 2013

giving tuesday

Today was designated #GivingTuesday.
For those who don't tweet, the above is referred to as a hashtag and is used to denote the topic under discussion.
A label, if you will.
I must admit, I had not been aware that today was to be The First in what is meant to be an annual day of giving.
The #GivingTuesday term has only impinged on my consciousness for the past few days. I'm sure others may have been more aware, certainly any who were directly involved in the birthing of this newly-minted national, and international, day of charity.
Perhaps one of the reasons I have been so unaware is the time of year. No, I'm not referring to the holiday season. My mind is more on the grading of papers and devising of tests.
Then again, my lack of acknowledgement of the intended importance of today may be due to a lack of acknowledgement of this day of charity by those in my environs. I have not heard a single family member, friend, colleague, or student say the first word about #GivingTuesday. Does that mean the marketing of this abligatory day of charity toward others has failed? Maybe. I am part of some quite diverse circles - you would think someone would have organized an event centered around this day's theme. If so, I have missed the news.
However, I suspect the primary reason I didn't lend importance to the concept of #GivingTuesday is this: I am a regular supporter of charitable organizations, near and far. I don't require the designation of one day out of 365 to prompt me to help support the non-profits in my community and elsewhere in the world.
Hopefully no one needs such prompting, except perhaps children who are young and still learning their roles as inhabitants of Earth, Milky Way.

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