Wednesday, December 4, 2013

rippling waves of distance

Yesterday, I wrote the following to my youngest brother.

Dear Tony,

Before I become totally immersed in grading Lab Final Exams, I thought I would heave a few lines across the miles to let you know I was thinking about you. Just like the picture on this note, distance can be seen as water, an expanse of water between here, where I am, and there, where you are. If our vision was like Superman's, we could stand on our two shores of the same lake and see each other waving.

Alas, my vision cannot see across such far distances. However, the air around me eventually finds its way to the shore where you stand, just as the air in the blue sky around you finds its way to me. When you think of it that way, the distance is not such a large factor. Right? And the stars you see are the same ones I see, as are the moon and the sun.

Here's looking at you, Tony! See me waving? Feel the hug in the breeze?

with my love!


Anonymous said...

11 Dec 2013:
Monday, I got the card that you sent me that talked about the distant shores but the same air, stars, and moon. It really touched me Sis - very nice, very thoughtful.
I love you, too!

Anonymous said...

The Universe via


Faustina, do you realize, you're right in the middle of living your greatest story yet... just before the really "big thing" happens... "those people" show up in droves... strangers know your name... friends place you on a pedestal... wild animals befriend you... and Oprah calls? Do you?!

The legend has begun,
The Universe