Tuesday, December 31, 2013

one last time, brother mine!

To my youngest brother,
This will be the LAST TIME I write to you... this year. Ha ha ha!
Yesterday I received your Christmas Day letter. I'm so glad you received the goodies! I know how nice it is to have some new things sometimes, even if they look exactly like the old ones. There's something about the feel of new stuff - you know? So, new towel, new hat, new warm shirt... little things, but new.
Not a whole lot going on here with me. I really haven't made any plans for tonight. Can you believe it? Lots of options, but I'm just not excited about any of them. I guess that when I hear the right one, maybe I'll jump on it - but, so far, nothing. Trust me, if I end up staying home, by myself, that will be just fine, too. Maybe I'll catch up on some of my blogging or do some preparation work for school... Hah! I doubt that last one!
I'm looking forward to 2014 and some nice changes. I especially like that you're going to be a much better brother - fabulous! I am being absolutely serious. It's hard for folks to do the right thing, to make the good choices, because the temptation to go the other way is so easy. No one ever said anything worth doing, or worth having, is easy. A little hard work makes it all worthwhile.
with so much love!

unwritten postscript: Most of the reason I would rather stay home is the problem with my car. Every time I have left the house lately, I've had to get a push start from strangers to get back home. Very fortunate to drive a stick shift, or that wouldn't be an option. And I have had a lot of practice with popping the clutch to get started and have successfully done it once by myself. How cool is that? Still, a sufficient incline is not often available and I very much dislike having to ask strangers for help. Especially if the day is rainy. Right? So, better to stay home.

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