Wednesday, May 1, 2013

surprise! It's May day!

As her son's seventh birthday approached, his excitement was reaching fever-pitch. As usual, Tommy was allowed to invite about a dozen kids who live on their block.
The morning of the big day, a woman called to say she couldn't make the party. The mom must have sounded confused, so the woman added, "I'm Tommy's teacher."
The woman paused, then said, "Didn't you know he'd invited me?"
"No," the mom said, "but you're welcome to drop in later for a slice of birthday cake."
After another pause, the woman said, "Did you know he asked the entire class...33 children in all?"
The mom gasped, thanked her, hung up and turned to Tommy, who was fairly bursting with glee.
The mom asked why he had done such a thing.
"I always wanted a surprise party, Mom! Are you surprised?"

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