Thursday, March 20, 2014

g that g looks odd!

Hey, Dood!
Nice trick! Your letter [which wished me a "Happy St. Patirck's Day"] arrived on St. Patrick's Day! What great timing! I'm glad to know kittypuss is doing well and will no longer have to go through heat. Poor little thing! I'm amazed the prison paid for her to get spayed - wow! That's like a little miracle!
Have you noticed something odd about my "g"s? Go back and look at that first paragraph... I'll wait. Bing bing, bing bing, bing bing bing, bing bing bing bing Bing, bing bing bing bing... (theme song of "Jeopardy - did you get that?) Did you see it? If the "g" is on the end of the word, like "bing", is doesn't get the little swoosh and it might easily be mistaken for a "q", right? But sometimes, especially if an "e" is after it, like "get", there's a loop thing going on.
I have no idea why. It just happens.
Life is going well here... hey, did you see that? Two different "g"s in one word! Not consciously, either. Maybe I should see a doctor about that.
Tonight I'm going for a steak dinner with my friend Hai Dang. (He's Vietnamese, but a citizen of the USA. I've known him, through Sam Johnson, theatre, and church - oh, and school, too - for better than 8 years.) Actually, he is eating steak - I'm going to have seafood. (And I just did it again, with the "g"s in one word. It's really starting to be distracting. Or maybe these comments are. Or maybe both.)
Over the winter break from school, we hung out together a lot, going to movies and even Christmas Eve service together, with caroling afterward. Very nice!
Then I wanted to go to Dave & Buster's in Jacksonville and invited him along - just spur of the moment - and he went and I paid for the meal and the gas - and on the way back to Savannah, a propos of nothing, he says he's going to treat me to a steak dinner in March, after we both get our paychecks at the end of February. (He works part-time at the school since his graduation last year.) And now, time for that dinner! Woohoo!
Secrest? Well, I'm glad you asked! He cooked me dinner (pork loin with sweet potatoes) on Tuesday and we watched a movie at his place. We've been doing that on a fairly regular basis on Tuesdays and will again next week.
Yep, life is pretty good right now - I hope you can say the same!
with my love!


Anonymous said...

March 24th, 2014
Hi there,
My dear sister that uses two different 'q's 'g's when she writes. Good to know that you are still the same. Sorta wierd - but that's good. :~)
I got your card - as you're already aware of. Anyway, I was wondering about Seacrest. You haven't mentioned him for a little while now. I'm glad you two are still friends.
One more thing about shop kitty. The prison did not pay for her to get spayed. That would never happen. It seems that the Supervisor knows some animal rights activist "type" lady who volunteered to pay for the procedure.
(...more that was off topic...)
That's it for now - all is well. I'm so glad to know that you're happy.
God bless you. I love you A LOT!
The grass withers and the flower fades - but the word of our Lord remains forever.

faustina said...

The meal Hai bought for me was at 17Hundred90 restaurant.
He had bought it because he'd said I was "steak worthy".
He'd already told me the woman he was currently dating was not, so that let me know I was special.
Very nice!
I still keep hoping he and I can again be friends, but I doubt that will occur.