Monday, March 31, 2014

pardon me, sir, there are bees in my aquarium

Doesn't that patch of purple-studded greenery look like aquatic flora to you?
Maybe you have to hold your mouth just right to see it. Go ahead, I'll wait while you try that. Maybe squint your eyes a little, too.
Then maybe it's just me and my perspective.
Today, I had arrived early to campus and was wandering through the International Gardens, soaking up sunshine, basking under the blue sky. I had paused to sit on one of the stone benches in the amphitheatre, to make like a lizard and indulge in the sensation of warmth from all directions into my body.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement in the above spring scene. Bees? Wasps?
As I allow my gaze to follow their meanderings amongst the stems and leaves and tiny flowerlets, I am hit by a stray thought! Bam!
By hardly any stretch of the imagination, that plot of land could be an uncaged aquarium!
Can't you see it, too?
Or is it mere coincidence that I, an ocean-lover, make that correlation?

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