Sunday, November 30, 2014


For two days in a row, I have been greeted by this sight from my kitchen window.
I saw the catbird in mid-afternoon, as the sun was leaving the back yard.
This morning, as I was preparing my coffee, prior to the start of the "CBS Sunday Morning" television show, I saw the catbird again, this time as she was strolling across and then jumping up to the lip of the birdbath.
On each occasion, as she completed her lapping of water, she would exit the birdbath and stroll to the right side of the shed, to loll in the sun and stare into the blackberry brambles.
Well, of course the catbird is a "she". Calico cats are almost always "she". Although she appears to be mostly white in these poor photos, she has brown and black mottling on the left side of her head (look closely in the upper photo). She also has brown and black mottling from her right haunch to the tip of her tail, including that right rear leg.
She's really quite pretty, although her coloring is not well suited to hiding.
She seems to be keeping the squirrels out of my attic, so that's a plus. I have no quarrel with that.
So, if she wants to drink from my birdbath, I'll be sure to keep water in it, for both her and my mockingbirds.

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