Friday, August 2, 2013

drivin' my life away!

This was the mileage reading when I had returned to Savannah from my wonderful, cheery lunch in Waycross. 136425. I took the picture because I thought it was a pretty cool scramble of the first six numbers.
And it is!
But today, I was looking at those numbers for another reason. Just how many miles had I been driving? More than the 12,000 a year average? Less?
Actually, I doubted it would be less. I bounce back and forth twixt midtown and southside daily during the school year, adding easily ten miles a day to the total job-related miles I once drove. Each semester is fifteen weeks long, plus a week for Final Exams. I teach for two semesters, meaning 32 weeks, five days per week, about 16 miles per day. That comes to 2560 job-related miles. So, there's that.
I also have been driving to many more events downtown than I once did. The Truman Partway makes those trips much faster than they once were, but the distance hasn't changed and is roughly the same as that to the school. During the school year, I mostly go two or three days a week, but in the summer, my trips into downtown are more frequent. Let's just say another 2560 miles. So, those miles get logged in, too.
Then, there are the increased trips out of state and in state, on adventures with and without the bfe. That includes the trip last summer, partly with him, through endless tasseled fields, which accounted for at least 3050 miles, when all was said and done.
When I had thrown that number in his direction, he had several guesses. Was 3050 the number of birds his Chloe chases in a dream? Not to my knowledge, but that does sound like a lot of birds.
Was 3050 the answer to chemistry question 25 in chapter 11? Um... no. That chapter is on alkanes and has nothing to do with any numbers greater than ten.
And I forget what the third guess was, but it was incorrect, too, as I recall. (Of course, he may still have that on his phone log, but my phone isn't nearly as generous with space for old texts.)
So, anyway, I've logged an impressive number of trip miles of late.
How many?
Where to look? Receipts for oil changes? Those service centers always record the mileage.
Yeah, maybe look there... Oh! Better idea! I had blogged about mileage while I was up in O-hi-O! Yeah, here that post is!
Oh, and here is the post with the palindromic odometer reading!
Wonder of wonders, there is roughly a year between each of those posts! Then, another year between the O-hi-O post and this one! Okay, let's do a little analysis of this data and see what's up, shall we?
Sure, let's!
Okay, so the earliest of these three was written on September 19th of 2011 and the mileage was 100,001. That will make the math easy.
Onward! The next data entry was captured on August 3rd of 2012. The odometer had just clicked over to 117,000 and I had snapped the picture. So, in that span of almost eleven months, I had driven 16,999 miles.
Wow. Saying it out loud like that makes it a bit more real, n'est-ce pas?
Okay, how about the mileage for this past year? Well, we have 136,425 and 117,000. You do the math. It's 19,425. Roughly, 2400 more miles driven than in the previous year. Well, maybe you can't actually say that, as the previous value was over less that a year's time.
Fine. Let's call it an even 2000 extra miles for trips to South Carolina and north Georgia and north Florida. That is, about ten per cent of the total miles for this past year.
And that total mileage, again, is 19,425.
No wonder it's already about time for new tires.

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